

This is the recipe for a mille feuille cake, mille feuille nabe, mille feuille dessert, raspberry mill efeuille.


  • 3 sheets of puff pastry

:For the vanilla cream

  • Pastry cream                                                               
  • 4 cups whole milk
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 4 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tsp vanilla

:For the frosting

  • 3 cups powder sugar
  • few drops of milk
  • vanilla
  • 2tbs coco powder.(instead of chocolate chips or bar) 


  1. Cut three rounds of puff pastry 20cm in diameter each. Prick the dough with a fork and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  2.  Bake for 16 minutes at 200 ° preheated oven.
  3.  Prepare the pastry cream. Heat the milk with the vanilla sugar.
  4.  Meanwhile, beat the whole egg, the yolks and the sugar. Add the flour.
  5.  Once the milk boils and rises in the pan, pour it over the previous preparation. Return to the heat for a few minutes until thickened.
  6.  Place a first disc of puff pastry on a serving dish. Spread a good layer of pastry cream on it.
  7.  Repeat the operation a second time, then place the third disc of dough on top. Keep in the fridge while the cream cools completely and the cake freezes.
  8.  Prepare the frosting. Beat the icing sugar and egg white with an electric whisk until the mixture turns white and becomes firm.
  9.  Spread the frosting over the mille-feuille using a spatula.
  10.  Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave, stirring it every 30 seconds until it is smooth. Put it in a pastry bag and make lines of parallel chocolates over the entire surface of the cake.
  11.  Using a toothpick tip, make inverted parallel chocolate lines so as to stripe the frosting.
  12.  Reserve 1 hour in the fridge before tasting.

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